That was John Lennon’s powerful message to humanity. He envisioned a better future and encouraged us to step into it.
Imagination is the basis for the creation of novelty; new ideas, new concepts, new everything. It’s that important and that potent.
Now here’s where things get really interesting. In biology, there is a term called Imaginal Cells. And they got that name for a reason.
We all learned that caterpillars go through a metamorphosis and become butterflies. But few of us know the details of how this process actually takes place. How it happens is absolutely amazing.
Imaginal Cells: From Caterpillar To Butterfly
After a period of ravenous consumption, the caterpillar finds a perch and forms a chrysalis. The end result, we know, is a butterfly. But the mindblowing thing here is that there is no structural similarity at all between a caterpillar and a butterfly.
Inside of the chrysalis, the caterpillar actually dissolves into organic ooze. Cells, which are aptly called “Imaginal Cells,” begin to emerge. This is what starts the process of creating a new form and structure.
At first the Imaginal Cells – the seeds of future potential, which contain the blueprint of a flying creature—operate independently as single-cell organisms. They are viewed as threats and are attacked by the caterpillar’s immune system. But they persist, multiply, and form connections with each other. The Imaginal Cells communicate more, creating larger and larger cooperative networks until they eventually hit a tipping point. And a butterfly is born!
A Microcosm of Humanity
Now let’s relate the Imaginal Cell phenomenon to humanity.
Think about the general state of a caterpillar before it becomes a butterfly: mindless consumption. Sounds familiar, right? Go to any city, any store or just turn on the tv, and the level of mindless consumption is hard to miss. Humanity has been that way for a while, but the paradigm is shifting.
Then, when the new Imaginal Cells start popping up, they get attacked by the other cells. Look at what happened to all of the prophets, geniuses and visionaries (Jesus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Gandhi, Nikola Tesla, Martin Luther King Jr, John Lennon…etc.). They get attacked and demonized by those who are still trapped in caterpillar mode. Those who I just named were some of the first Imaginal Cells, the harbingers of a new level of consciousness.
What if we (humans) weren’t just individuals, but cells of a superorganism?
Now remember that more and more Imaginal Cells start to pop up. Then they begin to connect, work together and create the new being.
Our outdated version of humanity is the caterpillar, mindlessly consuming everything in sight.
But now we’re seeing more and more of these Imaginal Cell-like people emerge, shedding away our collective chrysalis. And if you’re reading this, you’re one of them.
There’s a worldwide awakening going on. We’re coming together and cooperating to bring about a new humanity.
Cheers to becoming a butterfly.
– An Imaginal Cell Named Stevie P