Meet The Cast
(Fun Fact: a group of peregrines is called a cast!)

LTC Founder, Executive Director,
Papa Peregrine
Council of Peregrines
Arroyomolinos, Cáceres, Spain

Suzzanne Sullivan
Council of Peregrines
Grant-Writing Mentor
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
"I was perusing the volunteer posts looking for somewhere to donate my time and energy. I saw the post from The Lost Travelers Club (LinkedIn) looking for a volunteer to help them support “Surviving Parents Getting There Together...” Having survived two of my children, I wanted to find out more. I found a family, a community of people that understood that I didn’t want to sit around and cry. I wanted to remember my children with joy and to do service in their name. And I found a place for my heart and energy. I started mentoring an international volunteer grant writing team which will bring in much needed funds for LTC.
And watch for the "MamaShip Circle" to launch in November. I will be facilitating this online mother’s group that will meet regularly and develop service projects we want to do in honor of our children."

Dr. Jody Jakob, DO
Council of Peregrines
Director of LTC Portugal
Cascais, Portugal
Council of Peregrines
Buckingham, Virginia
“Henry-Cameron Allen is a pioneering intellect with a huge compassionate heart. His work seizes on the canon of grief counseling and moves it forward, making possible a deeper, wider, more empowering experience for parents undergoing the horror of all personal nightmares, the loss of a child. My firstborn, Nathan, left his body almost 16 years ago at age 41. in the aftermath, of his fall from a 19th story, balcony, I had a lot of help, but it took years plus Henry’s intervention to help me move into a much more productive and joyful place in my life.”

Brenda Kinyanjui
LTC Intern
Nairobi, Kenya

Sandy Stare
Council of Peregrines
Appleton, Wisconsin

Christina Saterides
LTC Intern
Cincinnati, Ohio

J. Anderson
LTC Intern
Richmond, VA

Diane Dinkmeyer
Mother/Bubby Peregrine
Council of Peregrines
Aurora, Colorado

Jasmyne Latimer
LTC Intern
Brain Candy! Magazine Editor
Cincinnati, Ohio

LaPrince-Miller Smith
LTC Intern
Durham, North Carolina

Madeleine Proffer
LTC Intern
St Peter, Minnesota

Join our cast! Scroll down to submit a simple application form.
"Ghosting" is the act of suddenly ending all communication and contact with another person without explanation or closure.
Ghosting has become far too commonplace. It shows a lack of respect and compassion for others. We believe in open, honest communication - ghosting has no place in a civil society.
Therefore, we pledge to:
Not disappear or stop responding without explanation. A simple text or call saying we've lost interest or feel it's not working out is the decent thing to do.
Provide closure if we decide to end a relationship, rather than leave others wondering what happened. A short conversation is all that's needed.
Give people the benefit of the doubt if we don't hear from them. Follow up in a loving way before assuming they've ghosted.
Have courage to directly but kindly end unhealthy relationships, rather than fade away. Ghosting leaves issues unresolved.
Consider how we would feel if ghosted before doing it to others. Treat people how we wish to be treated.
By agreeing not to ghost and communicating with honesty, we can foster more respectful relationships and a gracious society. Healthy relationships require openness, integrity and courage - not disappearing acts. At LTC, our word is our bond.
LTC Ghosting Guidelines
International applicants are welcome!!
The mission of The Lost Travelers Club (LTC) is to provide a supportive and empowering community for parents who have outlived their beloved children. Through charitable work, travel groups, and retreats, we aim to break through isolation, cope with grief, and honor the memories of our children as we step back into the world with purpose and power.
The LTC works to promote inclusivity and understanding, and our organization actively and critically examines our practices in recognition of the interconnectedness of our evolving world.
Hence, the LTC does not discriminate against any person or group of people in our hiring, employment, or volunteering practices or in the administration of programs and services on the basis of any group characteristic, including those prohibited by law, such as ethnicity or national origin, skin tone, sexual orientation or gender identity, religious affiliation, disability or other prohibited category. We are committed to respecting and welcoming all people. We most emphatically reject discrimination on any basis and actively work towards mutual understanding and positive engagement; with true interest in the uniqueness of every individual.
Volunteer Responsibilities & Qualifications
Assist in coordinating programs, fundraising, internal and external communications, social media campaigns, and more! Flexible schedule, weekly meetings with founding director & team. Open to this position being an internship for a qualified high school or college student for credit.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English
Online and social media capable
Sense of humor!